The Master Bedroom used as Temporary Kitchen

As we got ready in June 2006 for working on the kitchen, we used the master bedroom as the temporary kitchen. We placed the fridge there, used the dresser as countertop, and Gary installed the temporary countertop (which we previously had in our kitchen) with sink on one wall near the bathroom. All other building materials are also stored here -- pile of hardwood flooring, tool boxes, etc. We had this setup for two weeks (Gary could not bear to have the busiest area in our place of rest anymore, so we transferred them back to the kitchen area as soon as we could, though it was still far from finished.)


Anonymous said…
Havn't stopped by your site in awhile but things appear to be progressing. Can't wait for the day when I can build our house.
Anonymous said…
I had not posted for a while because I was too busy with all the housework, NCLEX review, and MT work. So now I am trying to make up for it, before I go full time working as RN.
You are lucky to have all the houseblogger's handy tips available online! I wish I had discovered earlier! BTW, I got to that link because of your site. Thanks a lot!
kitchenguy said…
Master bedroom as a temporary kitchen! Are you trying to put us out of business? :)
Lory said…
hi kitchenguy,
Golly, if we could afford you guys, we would not bother working on our house! Haha!