Digging up a trench for electricals

I worked on the garden. Added this part around the trees for the annual flowers so I could place there some of the flowers that Mom gave me...

some more photos of the flowers (can't remember their names...)

My garden that time...

DAd helped me haul big rocks to line the boundaries of my flower garden using his tractor.

wild strawberries...Dad was showing me the berries starting...

Gary rented a small excavator to dig up a tunnel for the elctrical wiring and the telephone wires as well...

Patrick was watching by...

the pipes containing the electrical wires...

the tunnel continuing to the house...

I am really so proud of my husband that he knows these things. IF not, we would have had to hire another person to do it (which we can't afford at the moment), yet I don't like the feeling of paranoia that gets into me when something like this is done by another person. What if he does not do it right? What if he overcharged? Anything can go wrong...I feel so secure with Gary on these things and I am so grateful for having him for my husband... Posted by Hello
